Own a Pet? Never Feed These Foods to Your Pet

Although the majority of fruits you see in the supermarket are safe for pets, some can cause serious problems. Keeping this in mind, we have made a list of fruits that are toxic to your buddy. If you are not aware of such fruits, chances are that you might be feeding your dog those fruits. Let’s find out what you are not supposed to give your dog.


Mushrooms – The mushrooms we use in the kitchen are less dangerous. However, wild mushrooms are poisonous and can cause some serious problems. If your dog has accidentally consumed them, don’t delay in taking your dog to the vet before his situation gets severe.

Stones, Pips, and Seeds – Make sure no one in your family members throws an apple core, seeds, and stones when there’s a pet around. Your pet may consider it as a treat. They contain cyanide and can be very dangerous to your dog. Everyone in your home should be aware of it.

Unripe Tomatoes – Although ripe tomatoes are a safe bet for dogs, the unripe ones can be harmful. They are rich in tomatine, which can damage to kidneys, nervous system, and digestive tract. If you have tomato plants in your lawn, you should fence them off from your dog.

Foods That Are Safe for Your Pet

Before you try any human foods for your cat, be sure to consult with a professional vet to get the best piece of advice. There are several fruit choices you can go with to feed your cat. Cats can eat any of the following fruits but in moderate quantity: bananas, peas, pears, oranges, cooked winter squash, pineapples, pomegranate, baked carrots, melon, green beans, broccoli (steamed only), blueberries, asparagus (steamed), and more. You should consult a professional vet to know about a specific fruit that is not mentioned here.

This article was written by Emma Myers

Say hello to Emma, our resident animal enthusiast. With a heart full of love for all creatures, she's on a mission to make the world a better place for pets.